We are in the process of updating Excel self-paced training guides. If you would like to participate in reviewing these documents, download the exercise file(s) and then open the training guide link to go through the exercises. We encourage you to keep notes if you find errors or are confused by any steps; send your notes and comments to techwriters@umsystem.edu.
Training Guide |
Exercise File(s) |
NEW Quick Reference Guide:
Sort Filter Exercise Workbook |
1: Introduction
2: Formatting
Formatting Exercise Workbook |
3: Worksheets
Source_Workbook Annual_Totals Exercise_Workbook_Unit1 Exercise_Workbook_Unit2 Exercise_Workbook_Unit3 Exercise_Workbook_Unit4 |
4: Functions
Functions_Exercise_Workbook |
5: Charts - 2019 Update in Progress.
Charts_Exercise_Workbook CoMoZooLogo.png Elephant-LadiesRoom.jpg |
6: Analytics - 2019 Update in Progress.
Analytics_Exercise_Workbook |
7: Data Management and Importing - 2019 Update in Progress.
AdoptionData Concessions Data_Mgmt_Exercise_Workbook Export_Import |
8: Pivot - 2019 Update in Progress.
PivotTables_Exercise_Workbook |
If you would like help creating or maintaining documentation for your department, please email techwriters@umsystem.edu.
DoIT Technical Writers
Division of IT
University of Missouri